Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Exhibitions and Raiderettes

Looking around all the sites I browse for the Bloghouse I have come to the conclusion that there is just not much going on this week. The big news is who teams will be facing in the pre-season.

The Niners and Broncos will face off (at least their rookies and wannabes) in the first Monday Night game (exhibition) on ESPN for 2007.

In real news, the Raiderette try outs are coming if your in the area. I would like to be a fly on the wall for that one.

ESPN to air 49ers-Broncos exhibition opener Aug. 13

The 49ers announced Monday that their 2007 exhibition opener against the Denver Broncos will be nationally televised on ESPN on Monday, Aug. 13, at 5 p.m.

Also, tryouts for the 2007 Raiderettes are scheduled for April 15 at the Oakland Hilton. Auditions begin at 8 a.m. The Raiders advise those interested in trying out to pre-register. The deadline to register is April 10, with the cost being $20 for those who pre-register and $25 for those who register the day of the event.

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