Pacman Suspended from Bloghouse-Last Words
I lied to myself. I will comment one more time and then Pacman will be suspended from the Bloghouse for the duration of his NFL Suspension.
It's no news that this guy seems to have a sense of entitlement. This guy has been in trouble since before he even took the field for the Titans. He has continued to put himself in situations to make himself look like a "bad" guy. He has done it over and over again and I have no doubt that he will continue to do so. There is no way this guy completes his suspension without another run in with the law. I'm not saying he is a "bad" person, I'm saying that he is who he is. If he continues to make the decisions that he does, he will continue to get the same results.
Now lets get into that illusion that his employers owe him anything. If I as a Family Therapist show up for work everyday and excel at what I do, it does not negate if off the clock I'm laying face down drunk on the sidewalk or getting in a fight in a bar. I'm expected to present myself in the community in a respectful manor. Now, I can make a choice to do this or not do this. In making that choice I'm making the decision to put my job in the hands of those I represent. I can't show up for work and have a great day and then streak down the street and expect that I will have a job.
"I think it was a little bit harsh," Jones said.
Of course you do, you don't think your doing anything wrong.
Bottom line, if you don't want to be a poster boy Pacman, don't draw attention to yourself. I understand that what is considered normal behavior for one is not considered normal behavior for the next, people define it in different ways. You have to make the choice if your going to conform to the expectations of your employer and want to keep that job. You have chose not to, fine, look for another job that will find your behavior acceptable.
Now get out of my office and don't come back until you have served your suspension!
clipped from
tag: nfl, football, sports, titans, suspension, pacman jones, appeal, goodell,
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