Peyton Manning cussing some kids on SNL (Video)
I have not made it a point to catch SNL is quite sometime last night. I wish I would have caught Peyton Manning's episode last night. The Poking fun at his football family in the monologue and ridiculing some kids he is coaching in the following segment.
"She never made it to the NFL," Manning said, feigning disgust. "Didn't have what it took. Got cut by the Dolphins, tried Canada for a bit. She's a real disappointment for all of us."
Following Manning's monologue, the scene switched to a filmed segment in which Manning is shown coaching a group of children.
In these great days of YouTube, we can view it right here! This just cracks me up!
TINO's Bloghouse
tag: nfl, colts, peyton manning, saturday night live, snl, united waytag: video, youtube