Monday, March 26, 2007

Steeler Nation Getting some Props

This was taken from a bulletin in TINO's inbox at MySpace.

"Steelers Fans:

Below is a message forwarded to by Steeler Fans United... This is a message from Keith Cossrow, the gentleman who wrote and directed the NFL Films documentary on Steeler fans that came out a few months back. It has been nominated for an EMMY AWARD!!!!! PLEASE FORWARD THIS INCREDIBLE NEWS ON TO ALL STEELER CONTACTS AND BE PROUD THAT YOU ARE A STEELER FAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Greetings. Just wanted to pass along word that 'Steeler Nation' got nominated for a National Sports Emmy this morning in the category of "Best Edited Special." Pretty good stuff. Thanks for everything, and please pass along our gratitude to everyone in the Nation who participated.
These are the real Emmy's. But they have a separate ceremony for all the sports shows. This is where Bob Costas and people like that win their awards. We get nominated for several every year, but Steeler Nation is a very pleasant surprise and especially meaningful to me. Here's the link:

Keith Cossrow

Below is a link to the video if you have not already seen this wonderful masterpiece!!!"
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